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"One Series"
The paintings of the One Series are 30" x 40". They consist of various materials that differ from painting to painting, incl. Cow Dung, Mud, Pigment, Gold Dust, Silver Leaf, Wax, Casein, and Magma on Canvas. They are a reinterpretation
of the Shiva lingam, the abstract symbol to represent the idea of Shiva: the cycle that defines life, death and rebirth. Created after the death of my father, these paintings for me represent the continuiyy from life into death; the transformation of matter into spirit, through the force of life.
One Paintings

"Sunya Series"
The three round paintings of the Sunya Series are abstract variations
of the One Series. Their diameter is 20". Oil, Sand, Wax and Pigment
on canvas.
Dunya Series

"Bollywood Pop" and "Shrine"
"What did the world give me: what did the world take from me."
"If I want I could live or die: I will not be afraid of anyone."
Dunya Series